
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Research Problem Essay

1 WHAT IS A RESEARCH caper?A search business is the situation that ca drops the police detective to feel apprehensive, confused and ill at ease. It is the demarcation of a line of work ara within a certain context involving the WHO or WHAT, the WHERE, the WHEN and the wherefore of the difficulty situation. There are many line of work situations that may fountain rise to interrogation. Three sources usually contribute to conundrum identification. Own arise or the experience of others may be a source of difficulty supply.A second source could be scientific literature. You may get hold of about certain findings and nonice that a certain work was not covered. This could cover to a research conundrum. Theories could be a third source. Shortcomings in theories could be researched. Research can thus be aimed at elucidate or substantiating an existing theory, at clarifying contradictory findings, at correcting a faulty methodology, at correcting the inadequate or unsuit able use of statistical techniques, at reconciling conflicting opinions, or at figure out existing practical problems.2 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEMThe prospective tec should think on what caused the need to do the research (problem identification). The question that he/she should ask is Are in that respect questions about this problem to which answers have not been found up to the present? Research originates from a need that arises. A clear distinction between the PROBLEM and the PURPOSE should be made. The problem is the aspect the researcher worries about, think about, wants to find a solution for. The conception is to solve the problem, ie find answers to the question(s). If there is no clear problem formulation, the purpose and methods are meaningless. Keep the following in mind depict the general context of the problem area. Highlight key theories, concepts and ideas current in this area. What appear to be some of the underlying assumptions of this area? Why are these i ssues identified all-important(a)? What needs to be solved? Read shine the area (subject) to get to know the background and to identify unanswered questions or controversies, and/or to identify the the most significant issues for further exploration. The research problem shouldbe stated in such a way that it would lead to analytical thinking on the part of the researcher with the aim of attainable concluding solutions to the stated problem. Research problems can be stated in the form of either questions or statements. The research problem should always be formulated grammatically correct and as completely as potential. You should bear in mind the wording (expressions) you use. Avoid meaningless words. There should be no doubt in the mind of the reader what your intentions are. Demarcating the research field into manageable parts by dividing the main problem into subproblems is of the utmost importance. 3 SUBPROBLEM(S)Subproblems are problems related to the main problem identifie d. Subproblems flow from the main problem and make up the main problem. It is the means to reach the set inclination in a manageable way and contribute to solving the problem. 4 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThe statement of the problem involves the demarcation and formulation of the problem, ie the WHO/WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. It usually includes the statement of the hypothesis. 5 CHECKLIST FOR TESTING THE FEASIBILITY OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM YES NO 1 Is the problem of current interest? leave behind the research results have social, educational or scientific observe? 2 Will it be possible to apply the results in practice? 3 Does the research contribute to the science of education? 4 Will the research favor new problems and lead to further research? 5 Is the research problem important? Will you be proud of the result? 6 Is there enough scope left within the area of reseach (field of research)? 7 empennage you find an answer to the problem through research? Will you be able to handle the research problem? 8 Will it be pratically possible to undertake the research? 9 Will it be possible for another researcher to repeat the research? 10 Is the research salvage of any ethical problems and limitations? 11 Will it have any value? 12 Do you have the necessary knowledge and skills to do the research? Are you qualified to undertake the research? 13 Is the problem important to you and are you motivated to undertake the research? 14 Is the research workable in your situation? Do you have enough time and aught to complete the retch? 15 Do you have the necessary cash in hand for the research? 16 Will you be able to complete the project within the time available? 17 Do you have door to the administrative, statistic and computer facilities the research necessitates? TOTAL

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