
Monday, March 11, 2019

Different Wars, Similar Outcome

Wars that lay buried in fib and fights present in the world today unite by means of the closely common and blatant compositionkind of state of contend military force resulting in imminent destruction. belles-lettres often presents different perspectives of these wars that ultimately tie together and guide forth the actuality of war. Timothy Findleys The Wars and Wilfred Owens Dulce et decorum Est present a precise vitrine of different pieces of literature that splice finished the common theme of war. The Wars and Dulce et decorousness Est offer the unconcealed and harsh hysteria of war and by means of with(predicate) glorious imagery, these authors depict liveness at war.Addition exclusivelyy, twain of these litigates contain the quartet basic parts of life earth, water, stir, and air to reveal that these four basic component parts stinkpot represent death as wellhead. Moreover, the theme of appearance versus human race impacts both(prenominal) works profoundly through the ruthless truth of war as compared to the credulous beliefs of war. Through these government agencys, a novel and a poem meld to unveil the truth about war and convince audiences of the lurid reality of warfare. The violent nature of war is visibly illustrated in both The Wars and Dulce et Decorum Est.Could Cold War Have Been Avoided?Death, the impending result of much(prenominal) violence, is an vestigial theme that highlights both literary works and assists audiences in grasping the grueling veracity of war itself. In Findleys The Wars, death assists in emphasizing the overall violence imprinted by the war. Half an hour later, Rodwell wandered into No Mans Land and launch a bullet through his ears. (Findley, 135) Similarly, Owens Dulce et Decorum Est incorporates death to underline the intense violence ca utilisationd by war, when in line 15 and 16, the author watches in his helpless sigh as he plunges at him, guttering, choking, and drowning. (Owen , 15, 16) The presence of violence is as well evident in both works between tones and victims of war.Robert Ross, the main character from The Wars, experiences this violence firsthand when, alone and defenceless, he experiences the brutality of war through rape. His legs were forced a character reference so far he view they were handout to be broken. Mouths began to suck at his privates. Hands and fingers probed and poked at every part of his body. Someone struck him in the face. (Findley, 174) In Owens poem, this brutality is ob processd through the white eye of the writhing victim of the war (Owen, 19). His hanging face, deal a devils sick of sin if one could hear, at every jolt, the blood have intercourse gargling from the forth-corrupted lungs (Owen, 20-22) This dramatic picture painted by both authors displays the terrible and violent effects of war as well as the fatal import violence trails behind. The violent results of war are delineated through the use of the fou r elements of life in both works earth, water, fire, and air. Both Findley and Owen describe the devastating outcome that these four elements that usually symbolize life squirt bring.Fire implies deep suffering and overall destruction in the battlefield, and as The Wars narrates, fire empennage become a damaging weapon. The nights lit up with flames of a terrible new weapon it was something called a flame thrower fire storms raged along the front. Men exploded where they stood homes fell with their bones on fire She believed her country was being destroyed by fire. (Findley, 131-132, 136) Likewise, Dulce et Decorum Est describes fire as haunting flares and as damaging wish well a man in fire(Owen, 3, 12).Fire, however, differs greatly from the earth, which embodies a trap in armed combat that slowly confines its victims. In The Wars, earth is visualised as a grave in which its victims drowned in mud. Their graves, it seemed, just dug themselves and pulled down. (Findley, 70 ) Correspondingly, Owens portrayal of soldiers intersection point through this earth is a picture painted with hardships, violence, and suffering. Bent double, like old beggars undersacks, knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through the sludge any(prenominal) had lost their boots, but limped on, blood-shod. (Owen, 1-2, 5-6) Another element that forms a part of war is water and through Owens depiction, audiences throw out see how this element can arrange as a life-ending source. As under a green sea, he power saw him drowning. (Owen, 14) The Wars also demonstrates that water can be a mighty element that is cap commensurate of engulfing completely its surroundings during times of conflict and war. On any side, the ditches are filled with fetid water. Everything is waterlogged. Even bits of grass wont float. (Findley, 69) The final element used in both The Wars and Dulce et Decorum Est is air and in both works, this holds great value and significance. Owen illustrates t hat during war, air can serve as a deadly killer that tragically ends ones life. Gas GAS Quick boys An rapture of fumbling fitting the clumsy helmets just in time through the misty panes I saw him drowning guttering, choking, drowning. (Owen, 9-10, 13, 14, 16) The Wars also portrays the fatalities that the usual life-nourishing air can bring forth in times of fighting and loss. The smoke from the brasier burned his eyes.He was fearful of the fumes from the coke. Men had died in their quietus down the line in a dugout with no ventilation. (Findley, 90) When all these four elements of life are brought together during times of tension and wars, they can slowly, painfully, and tragically end lives. As seen in The Wars and Dulce et Decorum Est, these elements possess sufficiency power to kill the lives of many in just an instant in the battlefield, leaving behind nothing more than fallen corpses and overall suffering. Wars and battles signify great suffering along with substantial loss.Findley and Owen successfully represent these deuce major themes of war and more importantly, both works are able to illustrate the most unforeseen theme of war appearance versus reality. Owen cleanly exemplifies this theme by revealing the cold reality of war and the violence that is obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. (Owen, 23) Dulce et Decorum Est brings forth the powerful message that the realities of war are far more destructive than thought by anyone before and if people knew of the unrestrained truth, they would not tell with such high zest the old lie dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. (Owen, 26-28) This saying, that it is scented and right to die for your own country, is viewed as a lie to the authors eyes most likely because he knows the cruel reality of war and not the much talked about and happy reality of war. This happier reality of war is portrayed in The Wars through Robert and his desire to go to war, thinking it was an escape. Robert envied him becaus e he could go away when this was over and surround himself with space. (Findley, 19) What looked like an escape from the violent death of Roberts sister, however, was in reality a doorway to a brutal cart track of violence resulting in his own demise.The open space this character woolgather about became his prison and later on lead to his violent death. in that respect were flames all around him looking down at Robert after the flames had been extinguished, he was barely able to recognize that Robert had a face (Findley, 192). Robert as well as the character in Dulce et Decorum Est both see the regulate of war melt before their eyes and both come to the recognition from first-hand experience the cruel realities of war. The callous reality of war is seen throughout the world, whether it is represented through present day wars or wars that complete part of history.Literature presents diverse viewpoints of war that unite through extreme violence resulting in significant deaths. O wens Dulce et Decorum Est and Findleys The Wars portray ideal examples of literature connected through the lucid actuality of war. Both works provide a vivid and downhearted description of the massive violence perceived in war. This immense violence carried out in war is represented through the four elements of life earth, water, fire, and air which are characterized in the battlefield of each literary work as elements that represent death as well.Furthermore, the theme of appearance versus reality influences both The Wars and Dulce et Decorum Est intensely through the cruel truth of war as compared to the unsuspecting and naive beliefs of war. Overall, both literary works serve their purpose in depicting the horrid reality about war and both accurately portray the war in a way that audiences can clearly see the violent actuality of war. Unknowingly, these two pieces of literature connect and foil one another in the description of wars and their violent veracity.

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