
Friday, March 8, 2019

A Brief Look at the Quality of a Translation Essay

Abstract The hold is an critical give way on a variation of Faulkners insane asylum by Farhad Qebraii. To do so the standard norms be got from Blum Kulkas obligate shifts of tackiness and coherence in description and the take of accepted changes by means of the edition is considered. The translation by Qebraii is accepted as a qualified star ground on the situationors analyzed finished and through and through the publisher. Introduction Through the process of translation around changes occur deep down the form (Surface Structure) and the meaning comp superstarnts (Deep Structure) of the stock textual matter edition. These changes atomic number 18 considered to be inevitable in translation.Due to the differences in the grammatic structures and linguistic features of languages on that point see a logical reason for such(prenominal) a phenomenon . In 1986, Shoshana Blum-Kulka in her artificeicle Shifts of coherency and coherence in translation went through the changes (shifts as she c eachs) in translation. She make a comparison amid the structure of the acknowledgment and that of the commit language and elaborated on the logical shifts that may occur through the process of translation. Here, the aim of the evaluation is to assess the quality of the translated recitation of the feat Sanctuary by William Faulkner.To do so, the structural features of twain(prenominal) slope and Iranian language (as SL&TL) should be investigated and based on that and the concept of Blum-Kulkas article assess the quality of translation. According to what Blum-Kulka says in her article, the negotiation of meaning mingled with different move of a text is based on the assumption that subsequent turns are related to from each one separate in crystal realize ways. This is the covert consanguinity in the midst of the parts, but in that respect is a nonher unity, indubitable in the surface structure of the text, which is called gluiness.These t wo elements change through the translation process to naturalize the take aim text. But near measures the high direct of changes brings near some mismatches between TT and ST which starter the quality of translation. The boilers suit purpose of this paper would be detecting these aspects from BlumKulkas view point. Whether the translation is qualified or not is somehow a subjective issuing just because of the unique elements belonging to translation. From the truly beginning, there subscribe to been conflicts among those who experience translation as a reverse of art and those with scientific approaches. on that point have been too many translations with high level of acceptability and, when checkered, no signs of newly arrived norms for translation. These all indicate that in this field there seem not to exist a categorical law and what is taken as a qualified translation in chaste viewpoint may lack the quality of a good run short in scientific scope. Methodology To evaluate the quality, there would be one by one comparison between the meaningful units of both ST and TT of the locomote. These all would be done with regard to linguistic features of both side and Persian.To do so, in discussion section of the paper there would be a plan explanation nearly the linguistic features ( peculiar(a)ly grammatical points) of both languages to shed light on some necessary points. To a further study and in a more precise way there would be several exemplifications and for each enough supporting ideas based on Blum-Kulkas article. Finally, the conducted work would point to an eventual conclusion to show the quality of the work based on the agentive roles mentioned within the paper. Discussion Over a long period of time there have been too many discussions on the notion of translation.Whether it is an art or a erudition, or maybe a mixture of both has been the fundamental issue of majority of the examples. If the literature is reviewed, there se em to be no seduce criterion to clarify the notion of translation. Here, I require to offer my own beneathstanding of the matter. To the better(p) of my knowledge due(p) to the fact that when translating we deal with several subjects such as culture, history, scientific issues, linguistic features of languages, and semantic structures of both ST and TT, the translating program should have general knowledge of both line and tar recrudesce language.This means that for sure translation is partly a science because the translator is supposed to have a complete knowledge of both languages. But there is a signifi flush toilett point here which deals with artistic aspect of the matter. Imagine there is a peace of poem or other sort of literary text which is to be translated. Here the translator is expected to consider both semantic and syntactic structures of the source text along with the unwritten soul and emotions of the poem which are to be in smoothed by the other elements in t he structure of the work.If the translator loses the artistic sense of the work through the process of translation the final work would be regarded as an ordinary and not extremely qualified work because no special circumspection has been paid to the extra linguistic features of the work. So to evaluate the translated work of a text some fundamental cornerstones should be regarded. First the translator must determine the text. By this he keep choose the purify translation method acting regarding the text structural features. Then and with respect to the method the translator starts the work.Now the final work must find out some necessary cornerstones of a qualified translation if the graduations and the notions are regarded. In this article the main purpose is to look at the translating elements of the work Sanctuary by William Faulkner with respect to Blum Kulkas article and assess the quality of the translation. To do so first there is a brief look at the structural traits o f both Persian and English as two ends of the work and then meet some examples from the texts to clarify the notion. At the next step the level of the correctness is evaluated based on Blum Kulkas article about cohesion and coherence.Finally the work is evaluated according to the factors mentioned through the paper. In English it is usual to find wide variety of colonial sentences with highly descriptive adjectives within different sorts of texts, and specially novels. This is while in Persian due to grammatical structure of the sentences there seem not to be such a case and, except for some high literary texts, in majority of the cases there occur more clearly written sentences in a simple form. This signifi fag endt difference brings about some mismatches through the process of translation.More often than not Persian translators discipline to get going the complex structures of the long English sentences into more concise and highly clear sentences in their translation. In the work Sanctuary William Faulkner does not use complex sentences and transfers the intentioned sense by some crystal clear sentences but when checked we ass get that Qebraii, the translator, has professionally transferred the archetype sense by fashioning the most approximate sentence structures which are really like the source ones. Some examples are made here 1.His face had a queer, livid color, as though seen by electric light against the sunny silence, in his slanted straw hat and his slightly akimbo arms, he had that barbarian depthless quality of stamped tin. ? . ? . In this part of the translation we can clearly find out that the translator has tried his best not to miss the pilot program surface structure of the sentence by following the form of the English version in Persian structure.He has done this in a very precise and accurate way and there seem to be only a nuance of difference in the translation version of the work. But it seems that Mr Qebraii has devoted the sense for the surface structure of the work where he misses some pieces of messages in his translations. Look at the part His face had a queer, bloodless color here the translator keeps the original structure remained in the translation but the sense is not transferred thoroughly. Bloodless is translated as ? which seems not to be an accurate equivalence.It was better to use more artistic artistic style instead of this emotionless correspondence. Here Mr Qebraii has paid too much attention to the structure rather than the message and the sense. Or sunny silence is rendered as ? the same story happens here. 2. The other mans coat was still across his ar. He lifted his other hand toward the coat, out of one pocket of which protruded a crushed felt hat, from the other a book. ? . . ? The grammatical structure of the source text is remained untouched through the process of translation. We have the most approxima te structure in the translated version along with clear understanding of the sentence in which there is the same message as the original. This indicates that the translator has been successful in transferring both the structure and the sense of the source text. At the last part of the sentence we see the phrase a book which appropriately is transferred into Persian with the exact surface structure and sense and also the form of the sentence is kept untouched.In above mentioned examples we can draw the conclusion that with regard to the structural differences between Persian and English and the form of the sentences in these two languages the translator has been so successful in keeping the form of the sentences identical in both versions, the original and the Persian translation of the work. Now we refer to Blum Kulkas article. According to what she suggests in her article, in a text there are two significant notions cohesion and coherence by name. Cohesion is an overt relationship holding between parts of the text, expressed by language specific scorings. ropiness, on the other hand, means a covert potential meaning relationship among parts of a text, made overt by listener or endorser through the process of interpretation. On the both levels there exist differences between the languages. When a text is translated from one language into another the level of text coherence or cohesion is changed based on the structural features of the print language.These changes are considered to be logical to some extent. But if the level of shifts are too much the translation would be classified as an understandard translation and the quality would be in a low level. Through the following part the shift in Cohesion and the Coherence of the texts will be detected. Coherence As pointed out by Hallyday and Hasan (1976) cohesion ties do much more than provide continuity and thus defecate the semantic unity of the text. Particularly in literature, the choice of cohesive mark ers can serve several functions in the text. Accordingly the translator is supposed to observe the accepted level of shifts through his translation which is due to language differences.To some extent the shifts in cohesion is acceptable but if the changes are too much the translation would be of low quality. In this point of the paper we want to take a look at the coherence of the sentences of the work Sanctuary and that of its translation ? by Farhad Qebraii. As mentioned earlier, coherence is not a clear notion and does not have a visible marker in the text. Any audience or reader will get the semantic relationship between the text components through some sorts of interpretations.We all know that any component in the text has a relationship with the other components and they all get together to transfer a unite message. Now if the subcategorized elements in the texts are changed due to translation process there may emerge a mismatch between the source and the target text. These changes may occur due to cultural, historic, or lingual differences in languages. In sanctuary there seem to be no cultural factors which cannot be translated into Persian and Qebraii has transferred somehow the all message completely into Persian.So we can say that this translation is highly qualified from the coherence point of view. Cohesion On the level of cohesion, shifts will occur through the translation in a way that the translation seems to be more explicit than the original work and this is common in almost all the cases. But for a translation to be of high level of quality the translator should try his best to keep the unwritten messages and covert factors untouched and do not use too much terminology to express the meaning explicitly. In the work Sanctuary the author has made concise sentences to bring about succinctness and beauty in his text.We see that the translator has kept this factor remained in the target text. As an example, Qebraii has translated the part The o ther man stop his hand. its a book to ?. ) . ( Here we see that Qebraii has not made the translation more explicit rather he has shorten the space of the Persian sentence with regard to the message not be baffled through the translation process. Of course in the above example there is a shift in the form of the sentence from active to nonoperational which has exacerbate the quality of the translation because the meaning is not transferred appropriately.But altogether the sentences are formed in a way that they are analogous to the original one. The crux of the matter is that no one can for sure put the label of good or bad translation to any work and it goes without saying that evaluation of translations is a subjective act. But based on the detections it seems that most of the translation criteria are observed in this case and farhad Qebraii has kept the structure and the message along with each other almost through the whole part of the work. Thus his work is ranked among the highly qualified translations even if there are some translation mismatches in his translation.Implications and Applications The crux of the matter is that, no progression is made when no evaluative research is conducted. Any developed phenomenon has its progressive background through which there has occurred variety of investigations. When checked and have a spectrum of works under tell through the time, the deficiencies will be singled out and reformed. No one can claim that his work has been in its recent high position from the very beginning. Hence, there is a none written role of thumb necessitating us to discuss any work and come up with constructive comments on it .To cover what is said the translation of the Sanctuary will be worked on and any weak and strong point will be mentioned through the main paper. It is hoped that such an assessment would influence the translators and make them try their best to create highly acceptable works and we see a developmental process in this field. References Khazaeefar, A. (1388). A textbook of literary Translation. Tehran Samt military issue Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall Blum-Kulka, Sh. Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in Translation.

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